Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Day Thirty-Two: The One in Which I Am Renewed

Today I faced a fear: I went to the dentist for my first cleaning in twenty years.  She says I have been blessed with great teeth. The amount of build-up I had on nearly all but the front bottom four was the same as she's seen on some who come for cleanings every six months.  However, genetics is working against me on those front bottom four.  I have bone loss on the front teeth and will likely need a bone and gum graft.  I'm ready for it.  I'm steeled. I can do this - to save my teeth.

The great news was that she said I could get Zoom whitening after the second part of my cleaning.  It appears that by the close of this challenge, I will have quasi-healthy (save four), white teeth.  By the close of my second 100 day challenge, I may even have ALL healthy teeth.

I took on a weight training challenge as well.  For now, I will go to the gym six days a week, working alternatively on my upper and lower body.  My lower body needs less work, since I train those by running and walking.  I've set a new workout schedule that challenges me.  I've seen improvement in my running too.  This is exciting.  Best news of this week: My abdomen is measuring .75 inches smaller. My waist is .5 inch smaller. My bustline is .5 inch smaller. Yay me.  I'll bite the bullet through the lack of sustaining weight loss (briefly 142 and change this week, but during the day usually back up to 144). I have evidence that things are changing.

I'm following my International Econ class well enough.  I'm excited by it too.  My other world "visits" have changed in their character.  I play myself in the new daydreams.  That's always a good sign. 

I'm feeling horribly old at times, but I've shelved those feelings for now.  I will think of myself as younger.  I'm still able to afford the surgery even without the second bonus.  I will be able to work out any kinks in the plans.  And, best of all, I've seen proof out there that a woman in her 50s can have the body of a woman in her late 30s if she really works at it.  I intend to really work at it.

I have formulated a plan for the living room, considering a corner desk, room divider shelves, bookshelf movement and Creation Station movement.  I've also considered some fabric covered foam board solutions for the space behind the television.

I'm considering getting a leased car.  I've realized that I need better mobility if I wish to pursue what I want to pursue.  I have set my sights on Hunter's radio station.  I'm also steering my Creative Work to some documentary reviews I wish to do for Crasstalk.

I've reached out to friends - both old and new.  I may be able to make lunch plans with the Crassers.  I have every intention of visiting Lisa in the coming months, sans Alex.  I WILL mail the frame to Christine.  I WILL select a sympathy card for Karen and send it.  I WILL write to Jen and to Christina.  I will also ask Trina for a copy of her query letter. 

I have a lot of math work to do.  So that, and not a rigid adherence to the five, is the plan today.  Clutter Clearance will have to take a back seat to the math and econ work. 

Most of all, I'm busy.  I'm getting busier every day.  Just like when I was working and I would imagine what I would do with my time if I had it free, I'm finally working up to that time. 

And this in the dead middle of winter.  Imagine how I'll feel in Springtime.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day Twenty-Nine: The One in Which I Come Back From the Brink

"Learn how to fail small!!!" I've read that all over the place when it comes to losing weight.  I guess it can apply to any goal. 

So where have I been? The BRINK, my friends. The brink.  I was thisclose to restarting it all.  Then I realized that such would be a waste of a month.  OK, so it snows in winter.  I knew this.  And colds are to be expected in winter. I knew this too.  NO, I have not done my five activities religiously every day.  With Alex having school cancelled and my having a hard time getting around (because of all the snow), it's been a hairy few weeks.

Yeah, well, I'm back.  I'm back from that brink of surrender and failing small.  Right here, right now.

My class started.  I had a few days of tight money . Alex needed new boots.  I've been down in the dumps without exercise - and sunlight.  I've been tired as hell. 

So WHAT?   Now is the time to get back on track. 

And you know what? I lost weight this week too.  How much better news can there be? Well, OK, there can be a LOT better news around, but, right now, it will do.

I just completed a lot of creative work.  I'll be checking in to my Calculus course later today.  I've done my housework.  I'm about to sort a drawer or two of junk.  This winter is about challenges - and cocooning. 

I'm just strengthening my wings, s'all.

PS. Trina had the most inspiring news yesterday.  I'm psyched for her and totally pumped. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Day Twenty Four - The One in Which I Rewrite the Rules

OK.  More Real Talk is needed.  It just keeps snowing.  And snowing.  And snowing. In fact, there's SO much snow, school was closed today. Getting to the gym tonight will be a challenge.  It is likely that it will be closed by the evening  Alex doesn't have snow boots.  I can't bring him with me.

Between the weather and sickness, this Five a Day every day is just.not.working.  There will always be something that comes up to stop at least one of the five activities.  At least that will be the case for as long as it's winter.

So, I need to rephrase the challenge.  I will ATTEMPT the five each day.  When getting to the gym is not possible - like today - I will plank and do SOME sort of workout at home.  When doing 60 minutes of clutter clearance is not feasible, I will do SOME sort of organization, even if it's just on paper.  When doing 30 minutes of Creative Work can't be worked in, I will do at least 10-15 minutes of planning supplies or designs.  And when doing 30 minutes of math study is not possible, I will include international finance in the mix, as long as SOME math study was done in the same study period, even if it's as little as 10 minutes.

February is the shortest month of the year, so it will have to become the Short Challenge month as well.

I had a headache the size of Ohio this AM.  I needed sleep in the worst way and I was able to get it.  But I'm well behind on everything.  I'll try to do what I can.