Monday, February 3, 2014

Day Twenty Four - The One in Which I Rewrite the Rules

OK.  More Real Talk is needed.  It just keeps snowing.  And snowing.  And snowing. In fact, there's SO much snow, school was closed today. Getting to the gym tonight will be a challenge.  It is likely that it will be closed by the evening  Alex doesn't have snow boots.  I can't bring him with me.

Between the weather and sickness, this Five a Day every day is just.not.working.  There will always be something that comes up to stop at least one of the five activities.  At least that will be the case for as long as it's winter.

So, I need to rephrase the challenge.  I will ATTEMPT the five each day.  When getting to the gym is not possible - like today - I will plank and do SOME sort of workout at home.  When doing 60 minutes of clutter clearance is not feasible, I will do SOME sort of organization, even if it's just on paper.  When doing 30 minutes of Creative Work can't be worked in, I will do at least 10-15 minutes of planning supplies or designs.  And when doing 30 minutes of math study is not possible, I will include international finance in the mix, as long as SOME math study was done in the same study period, even if it's as little as 10 minutes.

February is the shortest month of the year, so it will have to become the Short Challenge month as well.

I had a headache the size of Ohio this AM.  I needed sleep in the worst way and I was able to get it.  But I'm well behind on everything.  I'll try to do what I can. 

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