Tuesday, April 22, 2014

100 Days From Today - Second Challenge of 2014

My first challenge was a relative success.  I felt so great about it that I'm psyched to do a second challenge this year.  Tomorrow, April 23, 2014 begins my second 100 Day Challenge.

This time around, I know better than to expect to predict a clear day every day for the next 100 days.  I'm no Lekeisha Shurn - just starting out in life and learning all about how to love oneself in the process of building your wings.  I have a husband and a 7 year old son who count on me for stuff.  So, with that in mind, I have set goals to achieve by July 31, 2014 - the 100th day following tomorrow.

Along with Lekeisha,  I found another inspiration on the internet.  This bundle of inspiration is named Ernestine Shepherd.  She's currently 75 years old and is currently the oldest known female bodybuilder currently in the competition circuit.

This is her story:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIxmj_HHfWA

"Ernie", as she prefers to be called, did not even start exercising until she was 53-years-old. She didn't start competitive bodybuilding until she was 56-years-old.  Yet, at 75, she has the body of a woman 40 years younger.  I want to be Ernie when I grow up.  With that in mind, as soon as my doc gives me the clearance to restart exercise, I will be doing the Body For Life 12 Week Challenge with ever increasing weight training goals.  I have until May 6 to begin this challenge and still complete the 12 weeks by July 31.  Here's hoping I can get clearance to recommence exercise by then.

I have plans for school too:  I will be getting involved with the campus radio station, I will also be starting the Economics Club up again. I'll be meeting with Professor Deb to discuss my options for grad school as well as meeting with Professor Baker to work on my undergrad requirements.  (CUNY Bacc).  I'll be applying to the CUNY Bacc program and will be studying for the GREs.  I intend to take the GREs sometime this year.

I have creative writing plans as well. I will continue working on my story, researching what I need to know about getting published.  I will also be working on articles.  It is my intent to complete 6 articles in this 100 Day Challenge.

I'll be continuing on the wellness program I began in the last challenge; I still have several appointments to get through. Mammo (April 29), Colono (TBA), dental (TBA) and orthodontic.

That's it! Everything I hope to complete by the next 100 days.  I did a lot in the past 100 days. I can do this too!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Day One Hundred - The One in Which I Wrap It Up

Done and done. My first 100 day challenge didn't turn out as I'd expected.  Then again, to be fair to myself, the weather didn't help much. 

There were five activities I said I would do daily.  Unfortunately, not one of them made it to daily practice.  Two of them; creative work and math study - fell by the wayside completely.  What DID happen daily was SOME sort of activity towards my long term goals of wellness and graduate study.  Getting to the dentist for the first time in nearly 20 years was, in itself, a major accomplishment. Getting to the OB/GYN again was also an accomplishment.  These wound up being difficult to plan and arrange.  My dentist has select limitations that made a restoration impossible to complete. My cycle and the weather interrupted the OB/GYN more than once.  But I did these things.

More importantly, I finally accomplished the weight loss that had been so elusive for so long. It took the use of protein shakes, but it happened.   That has now led me to form a new plan of weight training. 

I have learned to set goals instead of daily intentions.  Daily intentions are a great way to get started, but they can be burdensome and easily interrupted.  If you're already used to setting goals, then a better way of achieving them is to engage in some constant steps towards them instead of dictating a specific activity each day. 

So for my next 100 day challenge, which begins tomorrow, I will set five separate goals to achieve in that time.

Thank you again LeKeisha. You have really inspired me and I achieved these goals because of you!

Peace out,

Friday, April 18, 2014

Day Ninety Eight - The One in Which I List All The Things

I slacked! I goofed off! I didn't blog!!!!

But I didn't give up - on anything. 

So I'm not Lekeisha.  WHO IS??  There can be only one Lekeisha. But I'm me.  And my life is, indeed, very different than it was on January 11, 2014, when I began this challenge.

To begin with, my physical stats:


                     1/5/14                    4/18/14
Bust:             36.75                      35.75
Arm:              11                           10
Back:             32.5                         32
Waist:            30                           28.75
Abdomen:      33                           31.5
Hips:              37.75                      37.4

Weight:         146.8                    136

Gym Attendance:   5-6 days a week every week up to 3/31 

Clutter Clearance:   Bedroom done.  Living Room rearranged.  Kitchen 1/2 done

Creative work and math work - these two took a back seat to my new class and my new project ideas.
I've been kicking bootay (so far) in my class. 

I have gone to a dentist AND a periodontist!  The bad news is that I still haven't gotten the restoration work I need done.  (But I tried!!).  The additional bad news is that out of 31 teeth (one never developed), 30 of them do not need periodontic work - after all of those years of fears.  And the last one is too far gone too help.  He said it could be in my mouth for "years and years", but that there's no use trying to save it.

Oh well.

This didn't stop me from getting a much needed bleaching. 

I have seen my OB/GYN and my General Physician. I scheduled a mammogram, but it won't happen until April 29. 

Still on the health agenda: a colonoscopy, the molar restoration and Invisalign.

And on the Alex front:  WE HAVE A 504!!!
His teacher has lost patience with him at this point, but the better part of that is that he's one of five boys in the class with whom she's lost patience.  She truly has a zero tolerance policy for bullying of any kind, so his social life is fine, even if he still dislikes school.  He still says he feels like a "bad kid" in school sometimes, but it's not every day.

Best news on the Alex front: He's now going to Keeps (and loves it) and he'll be going to the Children's Learning Center again in the summer.

He's passed his 7th birthday and his Science Fair (DNA project). 

The school, however, is finally off my case.  I'll deal with his medical needs on a timetable that works for US instead of their pressure and demands.

But my biggest news of the whole 100 days:

A photo from January 11, 2014

And one from April 17, 2014

 YEAH! I had "it" done!  Woot!!

I put off the molar restoration to have this done at a time that I could take a week for recovery.  The molar restoration was a nightmare and a half, but it's in the past.  I'll find another dentist who can deal with patients that have stubborn nerves like this tooth has. 

I've written to my old professor. I started a study group.  I told my classmates about my plans to start the Economics Club up again as well as talk to the grad advisor.  I plan to do both the week I get back.  

I also have a NEW internet inspiration.  Her name is Ernestine Shepherd and I plan to write all about her in a later entry.

Big things have come of this challenge.  BIG things.  And even bigger things are set to come.