Sunday, April 20, 2014

Day One Hundred - The One in Which I Wrap It Up

Done and done. My first 100 day challenge didn't turn out as I'd expected.  Then again, to be fair to myself, the weather didn't help much. 

There were five activities I said I would do daily.  Unfortunately, not one of them made it to daily practice.  Two of them; creative work and math study - fell by the wayside completely.  What DID happen daily was SOME sort of activity towards my long term goals of wellness and graduate study.  Getting to the dentist for the first time in nearly 20 years was, in itself, a major accomplishment. Getting to the OB/GYN again was also an accomplishment.  These wound up being difficult to plan and arrange.  My dentist has select limitations that made a restoration impossible to complete. My cycle and the weather interrupted the OB/GYN more than once.  But I did these things.

More importantly, I finally accomplished the weight loss that had been so elusive for so long. It took the use of protein shakes, but it happened.   That has now led me to form a new plan of weight training. 

I have learned to set goals instead of daily intentions.  Daily intentions are a great way to get started, but they can be burdensome and easily interrupted.  If you're already used to setting goals, then a better way of achieving them is to engage in some constant steps towards them instead of dictating a specific activity each day. 

So for my next 100 day challenge, which begins tomorrow, I will set five separate goals to achieve in that time.

Thank you again LeKeisha. You have really inspired me and I achieved these goals because of you!

Peace out,

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