Friday, January 31, 2014

Day Twenty-One: The One in Which I Get Real With Myself

Failure!! On Day 15, I had my annual family gathering.  On Day 18, true to tradition, I came down with a cold.  It's had me tired and struggling to breathe since, though there's been some small improvement every day. 

On Day 18, I could do nothing but lie on the couch and watch TV. I did my tasks on paper. However, I was still out of it on Day 19 and Day 20, on which I went to my first class.  I was consuming carbs like they were going out of style.  (I'd read that sickness can spur that bodily demand for healing energy.)  I haven't been to the gym since Day 17.  I feared a big weight gain, right back to over 145.  I feared all sorts of set backs.

I considered restarting this challenge.  Then I remembered that I would not be able to control for the weather, additional colds (though I'll better protect myself now) and other derailments like my midterms or upcoming surgery.  The only time I can carve out for my surgery will be in April, around the spring break (for both of us).  That will give me 10 consecutive days in which I can stay in bed and not move much.  I won't have to go back to class until that Monday. But those days are all before Day 100. 

Then I remembered a piece of advice about weight loss "Learn how to fail small."  A single set back doesn't mean I have to give up and start all over.  I can incorporate the set backs into my plans and learn from them.  I may want to be like Lakeisha, unrelenting in my 100 day challenge. But the truth is that Lakeisha is a lot younger than I am with no children.  She likely has a job to go to, but that may be the extent of her personal responsibilities.   She also likely has a lot more energy to bounce back from something like a cold. 

I can be like Lakeisha in other ways; I can cross the finish line.  After all, if we were running a race, I'd have to be out of my mind to think I'd be faster than someone her age anyway, right?

Perhaps I need to rephrase this challenge:  "By Day 100 I will have..." and fill in the blanks as I go along, with the process being my information.  I will still attempt the five tasks per day for the next 80 days, but I can't be rigid about this.  I have to be realistic about my age, my lifestyle and my sense of priorities.  I've already gained part of what Lakeisha says she gained: I found a renewed sense of positivity about myself and my future.   And that's worth all of the little failures in the world.

My head is now swimming with plans for the future; goals I believe I can achieve. As the time marches on, I find more goals being added into the process.  I've found my relationship with my husband again.  I've found my thrill of learning again.  I've found my desire to achieve again. 

Most importantly, I've found my ability to let go of things I cannot control.  My son's school will simply remain as horrible as they are.  He's only in first grade.  I can compensate for where they fail.  He has so much time to make up for what he's missing right now.  The important part is that he is no longer complaining to me about school. He no longer hates going there and that is due in no small part to his fantastic teacher.

Things ARE looking up now.  I feel like I want to do more.  The days are longer for me now because I'm so productive during the time.

Therefore, Day Twenty One will be a day of Reckoning.   I'm still a bit sick, so I have no plans to go to the gym this evening. I just won't rule it out.  I will be doing only minor clutter clearance.  I can't move on the photo wall project until the ink for my printer gets here.  I need to work on math in preparation for the exam due tomorrow.  I have a ton laundry to do.  I have to get to some appointment making too.  I will get my meditation done soon enough. 

Update 12:20: My Creative work is done for today! The new boxes were filled with some stuff from each year.  (That also counted as clutter clearance.) Getting some laundry done now.  I just called the NYBG and found that registration had not yet started for the Spring program.  That's cool.    I have to now call Legatt's office and remake my appointment.  Incidentally, I was still 144 lbs. this morning.  I'm thisclose to no longer being overweight for the first time since pregnancy.   Oh protein shakes, you have helped!!

Update 1:15:  I have so much math work to do.  Sigh.  Plus I haven't called to reschedule my appointment with Legatt.  I have to make sure I don't schedule it on a day in which I have either class or a dentist appointment. 

Update 2:15: Made the appointment with Legatt.  Figured out a theme for the boxes; Decoupage.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day Eighteen - The One in Which Sickness Gets Me Down

At first, I thought I was just tired.  But then it went beyond a nap in the AM after I'd dropped Alex off at school.  I continued to be too tired to do anything.  My throat was burning.  Yup, I was sick.

This happens nearly every year after I see my family.  Sigh.

So, I gave myself a break today.  I worked on clutter clearance on paper, making a list of each place to be sorted.  I tried to do math study, but it just wouldn't gel.  Meditation happened in the AM, when I realized that I was strangely still very tired upon waking.  Gym was a no go today.

I watched Jane Eyre and Ken Burns' National Park series.  Even Alex got out of most of his homework today.

Today rates a big fat, 1.

Tomorrow is another day. I am DETERMINED to make my dental appointment.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day Seventeen - The One In Which I Get More Time

Alex has his first after school club today.  I remembered to pack an after school snack. What has yet to be seen is if I'll get everything done before I have to pick him up. 

Far too many of my days are spent doing procrastinated tasks.  I don't plan time OFF for myself.  I need to work this challenge so that I have a little to do in the evenings and weekends as possible. The most unpleasant tasks are my housework and the clutter clearance.  It seems that going to the gym at night is not as unpleasant as I thought it might be.  I'm quite enjoying the night walks. 

It seems that the schedule that actually works for me is to do all of the housework in the AM, but to have a cut off.  And now that the xmas decorations are away and the family gathering is over, to limit my clutter clearance to an hour a day. 

The Creative Work is becoming a chore.  I have to change that too.

I managed to get through Creative Work by shopping for fabrics and attempting different frames for Alex's art.   I did housework a lot today.  Unfortunately, it may have been too much.  There was some clutter clearance that went on, but not enough.  I'll try that after Alex is done with his homework.  The biggest issue today was that I FORGOT that my new class schedule is Monday and Thursday.  That means was supposed to be in class today and didn't go.  GAH!!!

Oh well, at least this gives me some time to plan better.  For the time being, I'll just deal with the to do list as is.  What I have left so far for today is 1) Clutter Clearance; 2) Gym.  Today is Monday, so I won't feel so badly just jogging on a treadmill. 

Alex has a looooot of homework tonight.  Plus we have to really work on his spelling words.  I may allow him to wait until tomorrow for that.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day Sixteen - The One In Which I Get Back on Track

I made it today.  I did all five to goal!

It helps a lot that my Coursera class started, so it gives me a study plan to follow. It also helped to get off the photo wall for a little while and turn my focus to other projects, like the memory boxes.  I even got to the gym just before they closed.  (But no yoga class. I'm working towards that.)  Meditation was done in the late AM and briefly in the evening.  Mostly, clutter clearance happened today.  I assembled the new entryway bench and cleaned the foyer.  I cleaned the guinea pigs' cage.  It left a path to follow for the next steps.

AND I got to be with Dan too.

I rate this day a 10. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Day Fourteen - The One In Which Chores Get In the Way

Many, many obligations today.  Art Class after school.  Dry Cleaning to be picked up.  Xmas decorations to come down.  Hair cut and colored. Cleaning to be done.  Then, the grocery delivery to be accepted and put away. 

I'll count the goals I accomplished; clutter clearance, math study BRIEFLY (Coursera started today), gym (running only), all of my supplements taken plus the protein shake. 

I had to remind myself that this is a challenge, not a dictate.  The point find joy and purpose in life again.  This day was plenty productive, if not entirely compliant with the challenge.

I rate it a 7.

After tomorrow, I'll be able to focus on what I need to accomplish over the next three months.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day Twelve - The One In Which I Catch Up Long Neglected Business

Alex had a late arrival today.  Dan worked from home.  I got what I could done of my Five, but there was something long neglected that Dan and I worked on today.

I had to keep struggling to let go.  Once I did, it was fantastic.

I also got to the gym in the evening, after having spent the earlier part of the day sorting through loose papers and reviewing photos. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day Eleven - The One in which the Weather Makes Other Plans

I received the call at the customary 6:50 AM today.  All schools in the Rye Neck district would close at noon.  It was late enough for me to make my doctor's appointment IF, and only if, I drove.  Since I'd be dependent on the 61 to get me back to town in time to get him, I would have to reschedule my appointment.  The only problem is that I can't get through to the switchboard to do that.  I hope I don't get charged for this appointment.

Rearrangements must be made.  I've already thought of a way to get my workouts in if, due to the snow, I can't get to the gym or the gym is closed.  I can always do a yoga session here.  And I may have to break out the 28 day challenge from 2012 for Wednesday's workout.  Either way, I'm confident that I'll get it done.

All other stuff gets done at home.  Meditation. Math study. Creative Work. Clutter clearance.  I think with some time at home I may get a lot done.  It's up to me to make that happen.

In other news, my abdomen isn't budging.  It's stuck at 32-33.  My waist, however, seems to have gone under 30 inches.  So that's something.  I'll just continue what I'm doing because it's taking weight off too.  It may very well be that I'll be 142 again just in time for school.  MAN! I am excited about school starting.  (For the theory classes, not the being 142 again.)

Update: I didn't get to my doctor's appointment nor do much of anything else.  I picked Alex up at noon, as expected.  I did meditate. I did clear clutter regarding the Xmas decorations.  I also did some photo selection.  But, it still wasn't a good day.   The weather threw me off my game.

Sigh.  This is a "challenge", not a dictate, right?

Monday, January 20, 2014

Day Ten - The One in Which I Get Real With Myself

Face it, Lynne. You REALLY hate doing math study.  You'll find any reason to skip it.  Going to the gym now has its perks.  Clearing clutter is something you do because you have so much experience in how much better that feels.  Meditation always improves your mood.  Creative work was missing from your life desperately.

But math? Math has been a burden for years.  You've done well so far, but it's not sexy enough for you.  You're too excited about getting into a real Economics class. 

You need to get real about math class.  You need the discipline you used to get your ass to the gym for the first few days.

Today, you WILL clear a space for study.  And you WILL take on physical clutter clearance, which always makes you feel more determined in your goals.

Creative work will be a continuance of photo selection.
Meditation needs to happen now.
And the gym will come later today.  Just jogging/interval work today.

Go, go, go!!

Update 12:25: - Creative work done. Meditation done. Maybe I'll take on clearing some space and doing laundry.  Those things are suffering in this effort.

2:00 Duly noted - I should do work as soon as I eat, because having to cut down food has left me feeling a bit hungry a lot and it's hard to concentrate under those conditions.

Update 3:34: Space cleared! Dining room table is now free of clutter (for now). I couldn't find a place for everything I removed from it, especially the frames that have been coming down from the photo wall.  But I'll work at it through the week.  What's important is that I've made a space for math study.

Update 4:33  Haven't started math study yet.  It wasn't ONLY the space issue, ya know. But I did get some more clutter cleared and I washed the dishes.  Took a break too.  Now, for some ice water.

6:00 - Finally got around to 30 minutes of study.  Dinner time is now.  Very distracted by hunger.

8:00 - Just back from the gym.  No plank today, but jog/walk for 35 mins.

I rate today an 8.  I didn't make up the time I needed for math study, but I did get 30 minutes of it done. Therefore, I hit all five activities today.  Yay for me.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day Nine - The One In Which I Actually Get to Yoga Class

I was determined to make it.  I knew that it was only a matter of getting to the first handful of classes before I fell in love with yoga again.   I knew I would eventually look forward to my time at the gym, considering it "Me Time".  It's going to take a few times for me to love this yoga class. It was horribly crowded.  And it was Hatha, which was harder for me because I'm used to holding poses for a shorter period of time in Vinyasa.  But I got to the 10 AM class.

Then I did some interval jogging on the treadmill. 

I came home and did Creative Work for about 30-40 minutes.  Then I showered and picked up the bathroom a bit while I did.  My clutter clearance for the day was actually on my digital devices.  My iPhone and iPad both needed some cleaning up.  Meditation occurred at the gym after my plank. (And during yoga class).

The one activity that didn't get done AGAIN? Math study. That's the third or fourth day in a row that it didn't happen.

I'm far too distracted to sit down and clear a space for study.  I must make it a priority to do so tomorrow.

Plus, it doesn't help that Dan and Alex are both home.  Lots of noise and lots of excuses to give myself to not get to what I have to do. 

But I have a new playlist (thanks to Dan reclearing my iPhone and restocking it). And I really was a lower weight again. It looks like 145-46 is now my new upper limit.   In about two weeks, I should be no longer officially overweight.  I'm looking forward to that.

Another Assessment

A few stumbling blocks I've noticed:

- I get thrown off when I can't make my bed early in the AM.
- I hesitate on math study because I can't get a quiet place to study, as well as not having a dedicated place to study. 
- Everything else gets put off if I'm worried about one of the activities suffering. In the case of this week, that was math study.
- I get messed up when I'm still not as thin as I think I am.
- I am far too distracted by other worlds.  I need to bring my focus back to the things I like to watch and read.
- If I added some writing to my day, it may help with the imaginings.
- I need a good playlist in ONE place.  Unfortunately, I never get a day off to arrange that.  I'll do that in some time off, like right now.

Day Eight: The One in Which I Dream of Yoga Class

Today, the yoga class at the gym is at 12:05.  I need yoga back in my life, so I'll be going for it.  I will likely do a half hour interval jog too.

Must bring: water bottle, mat, yoga block

Also on today's agenda:

1) Meditation - AM (still need to do), PM awareness work
2) Math Study - Lots and lots of it.  Find the groove.
3) Clutter Clearance - Xmas stuff.  With Dan
4) Creative Work - Try to get through a lot of photos today
5) Gym - Yoga class and interval jog

I've taken all of my supplements, had a protein shake, some ham, a coffee and fed Alex breakfast.  He won't be going to TKD today.

Note: The guinea pigs are about to run out of hay. I'll try to make it stretch.  Maybe I'll subscribe to hay delivery on Amazon.

Update 12:51: Didn't get to yoga.  Haven't done any math study.  Haven't meditated yet. No clutter clearance. No Creative work.  DID have a protein shake for breakfast though.  Also have been drinking water while putting stuff away.  Also made an important move with Dan. (Re: showing him that craigslist post by the Chicago woman.)

Update 1:57: still no progress, but just had lunch and washed some dishes.  Considering going to the gym right now.

Final Update: I didn't do any math study AGAIN.  I did complete the gym, meditation, clutter clearance (for 40+ mins) and creative work.  I have to sort out what's stopping me from the math study. 

Also, weekends seem to throw me off my game. I think it's because I can't make my bed in the AM (sad, sad, sad).  I need to get used to that too. 

Today gets a 3. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The First One in Which I Take Stock

I would call my first week a relative success with lots of room for improvement.  I managed to stay disciplined every day for at least 3 out of 5 activities.  The days on which I did not do all five were 2 out of 7. 

This was the tally for the week:

Meditation:  - So far out of 7 days, I did this to goal for all 7.  I missed a PM meditation on Thursday. 

Gym: - So far out of 7 days, I did this to goal for 6.  I missed going on Tuesday, the day of my doctor's appointment.  However, I did walk home from the doctor's office. (Distance of about 2 miles.)

Clutter Clearance - Did really well on this one for the first 6 days.  Then, it seems, I ran out of ideas because I managed to finish the bedroom.  Day 6 involved clearing space in the basement.  I missed it on Day Seven.  Going to the gym early in the day and then art class after school took the wind out of me.

Creative Work - Did this one every day, but to goal (30 min minimum) only 5 days.  The first day was due to being without a plan.  The second was because I was just too blown out from the week.

Math Study - This one was the real loser.  I just can't get my butt in gear for this one.  I did work on it 5 out of 7 days, but to goal only 3 days.   Need to find the right time of day for this.

Some other observations:

I've been sleeping much better lately.  It might be the magnesium I've been taking. It might be the daily exercise.  It might be the high productivity during the day.  I'm feeling much better about myself, even my appearance.  According to this AM's weigh-in, I've dropped below 144. 

I've learned that it's a must to take a break every half hour for mental rejuvenation.  I've also learned that music is still a very important part of my life.  Playlists are musts.  Background music is a must.

I look forward to going to the gym, even in the rain.  I like walking there and back.   I really like the Creative Work I'm doing.  I wish I could like the math study, but I'm just happy that I'm making connections I never made before.  (Thank you, Dummies series!)   I wish I could feel better about the clutter clearance, but it's slow going.   The basement really is out of room. 

Some things to try:
- Meditation as soon as I wake up
- Math study in the AM
 - Gym as soon as I'm allowed in/shower there
     - This leads to make up, dressing and hair-styling during the day
- Creative work after dinner

When to do clutter clearance?  Not sure.  Broken up during the day? In 15 minute bytes?  I'll try it at different times.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Day Seven - The One in which I Try to Manage Time Better

So far, I've been impressed with my discipline, but not with my time management. I find that I waste far too many hours during the day with my mind wandering.  But I'm now enjoying being this busy and productive.  This week has seemed longer than most because I was so busy through every day. 

I have several calls to make today; the dentist, my hairdresser, my insurance company, the eye doctor (for Alex).  I have a few errands to take care of like packing up Alex's shoes for shipping and packing Christine's photo for same.

Then I have to move to a different area of the house for clutter clearance.  I believe I'll shift my focus to the kitchen now.  (The foyer has to wait until the new entryway bench arrives.)  Or, perhaps, I'll start with the Christmas decorations, since I have a lot of the basement done.    There's a lot of clutter clearance that has to happen with the Xmas decorations.

I may get to the gym earlier today.  Alex has art class this afternoon and that will stymie my dinner plans.  I may or may not feel OK about going this evening.  Although, it has been relaxing. 

Mostly, I have to study math today.  I haven't been dedicating as much time as I could to it.  I have to do a double shift on that today.  Then there's also more to do in the Photo Wall project.

Here's the possible agenda:
1) Meditation - AM, I tried it while I was still in bed and it worked a little, but it wasn't enough.  I need more.  Plus have to do PM awareness work today too. (Didn't yesterday, but did deep breathing at gym)
2) Clutter Clearance - Kitchen or Xmas decorations
3) Math Study - LOTS of it today
4) Creative Work - More photo selection
5) Gym - Early? Late? Not yet sure.

Update 10:25  - Finished my workout playlist.  Now about to make calls. (Called dentist and got VM. Made hair appointment.)

Update 11:43 - Meh. Laundry started and switched. Dishes done. Lunch had. Hard to get started on clutter clearance.  Out to gym soon. That might get me in focus.

Update 1:15 - Just back from the gym.  Made a protein shake and will be having that as my lunch. Will soon be showering and dressing.  Need to try on the new boots.  Will also be transferring money out of the ING account.  Not the month for aggressive savings, I'm afraid.

Update 1:40 - Still on the protein shake.  UPS came by to pick up the shoes (Alex's) and I wasn't ready for them.  Had to quickly unpack and repack them with the return slip. 

Update 2:45 - Showered, dressed, make up on, hair quasi dry, boots on (and they fit!), but it's time to go get Alex.  I haven't done ANY math study or clutter clearance or creative work today.  I can't be 2 for 5 in a day!! We'll see what's up when I get back from art class.

Maybe I'll pull Dan in on the deal of clutter clearance tonight when Alex is asleep.  I need help with the Xmas decorations anyway.

Update 5:25  After art class, making dinner.  Alex is working on his incomplete school work right now.   I'm going to do a little Creative Work right now.

Update 7:15 Didn't get the chance until I forced myself to do 15 minutes of Creative Work. (Went for likely 25)  Dan is home now. I'm going to do math study right now. I'll do that until Alex goes to bed.

Update: No math study got done.  Sigh.

I rate this day a 6.

Day Six: The One in Which Things Go Back to Normal

Alex went back to school today.  I also noted that I have to get a hold of my spending. Granted, I bought a lot of clothing and boots this past month.  That was for good reason; my size changed.  But, by now, it's been the same since September.  I know I made a mental promise to myself that I would work at it for a year and be content with the same weight for six months.  That would be a lot easier if I'd actually met my goal weight for 2013. 

For now, my weight HAS changed a little these past two weeks.  I'm going to try some protein powder and green tea extract next.  The problem is that I'm short on extra money this week. I transferred some from the spare savings account, but that may not get us through to next payday. Looks like transferring half of the paycheck to a savings account was a little too ambitious.

I'll work on that later. For now, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing since there was a drop in my weight this week. 

For today's agenda:

1) Meditation:  Still need to do AM
2) Cutter Clearance: I may work in the basement, making room for boxes. That counts as clutter clearance I think.  I'm out of spaces to clear in the bedroom and the next stop will be the foyer.
3) Creative Work: Still on the photo wall
4) Math Study: Still getting through Trigonometry for Dummies
5) Gym: At 1 PM today.  Stairmaster again, most likely.

Update 1:00 - Creative work for half an hour (photo selection); clutter clearance has been at least 30 mins if not more.  Still more to do.   Wondering about the gym.  Not sure I want to go right now.  I have faith in myself to get there at night.  Maybe I'll do that. Maybe I'll go in an hour.  I've been putting off eating for a while.  Time for lunch.

Update 2:20 - I did a bit more in the basement.  I may have to toss some of the empty boxes there to make room for the filled ones.  I didn't go to the gym after all.  I'll be sure to go there in the evening.  I haven't yet done any math study either.  My head has been elsewhere all day, even as I went about my tasks.  I don't know why.  Maybe the gray skies outside have me wanting another life.  Last night, while walking to the gym, my mind went into a glimpse of what my life could be if I worked at it.  I'll aim for those things because they're there to work for.  I just know that I need some realistic career goals right now.

I'm still thinking of this winter as a chrysalis for myself.  I'll emerge from this challenge happier, more accomplished, more engaged, less sad and, hopefully even, thinner and younger looking. 

I also did a lot that wasn't related to the 100 Day Challenge.  I ordered a protein mix.  I processed a return of Alex's shoes.  I did a pillow laundry.  I assembled a veggie and beef casserole. I received and processed a new grocery order.  I cleared out a lot of stuff from the fridge. I took out three big bags of trash.  I assembled the new tree rack. 

It wasn't a totally unproductive day, I guess.  I just HATE this gray in the sky.  Hate it. It's always depressing.

Update 4:30 - Alex is doing his homework right now.  I'm cooking dinner.  I still have my math study and the gym to get to.  Pressing on!

Update 6:13 - Dinner's done. Alex is playing his game.  I'm about to settle down with Chris, That Math Tutor Guy and Trigonometry for Dummies. Waiting for Dan to come home so I can head out to the gym.

Update 9:30 - Back from the gym.  It consisted of interval jogging for 20 minutes, upper body strength work (5 machines, 3 sets of 8-10 reps each), 10 minutes on the stair master (sideways stepping), and a 90 second plank.   No math study got done outside of about 5 minutes.

Today gets a 5.  Highly productive, but missed a committed activity.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day Five - The One in Which Alex Stays Home Sick

Another day, another twist.  Welcome to my silly life, I guess.

The whole point of this challenge was to increase my productivity and time management, plus learn some things about myself along the way.  I guess the time management lessons have to come in first if anything is to be accomplished.

Alex woke with a cough and a slight-ish fever.  It swung between 99.2 and 98.8.  We decided to keep him home.  Of course, this would mean that I can't go to the gym again today, because we have Dr. DioGuardi's session this evening.  I MAY feel up to it in the evening hours if I get enough done today.

I didn't yet meditate. I may do that right after blogging this.  I did do some clutter clearance. Still in the bedroom. 45 minutes worth.  It's moving along and that's a good thing. 

I will also probably do some creative work before long.  Maybe right after I meditate.

But I wasted hours today; Hours spent daydreaming and looking up silly stuff.  All because of a kink in the plans.  I can't do this anymore. I MUST learn how to get past obstacles and changes in plans more productively than I typically do.    I'm out of time, if you know what I mean.

I did start a laundry and have plans to fold the two loads sitting in the living room.  I also have plans to collect some of the Christmas stuff. 

For now, this is the To Do list as of 12:20 PM.

- Meditate
- Fold laundry and switch load downstairs
- Creative work - still the photo wall, selecting photos
- Get more boxes from basement and load up stray stuff

Hopefully, this will come to good enough progress so that I'll believe that I deserve to go to the gym today.  Incidentally, I was also wary of going because I was planning to start my weight training today.  Maybe I'll just wait for the yoga class on Saturday.  I'll run again today.   That will get me to the gym. 

Update 7:00: I'm on the phone with Dan right now. He's in the cab.   I did my creative work, my meditation, my clutter clearance (only 45 minutes of it) and my math study (at DioGuardi's office).  I'm waiting for Dan to get home so I can go to the gym.

If I do this, I'll be able to cross off all five activities from my list today.  An Alex sick day conquered!!

Update 8:30  Done! 15 minutes of stair master. 10 minutes of weight work. Yay!

I rate this day a solid 7!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day Four: The One In Which I Have a Time Crunch

I have a doctor's appointment at 10:45 this morning.  That will take me out of the house for a few hours.  I've already planned to bring my dry cleaning and my math study, so that should be taken care of for today.  As to the others, I'll have to work it out.

I meditated this AM, but it did no good.  I got a triple Need Hit this morning and it set me into another tailspin.  The first one was when Dan asked me for money for his cab.  That was simmering for a while because I cannot stand it when he doesn't anticipate his own needs. It's not just once in a while, this cab money thing.  It was once a constant thing.  Then, while I was making his bed, Alex jumped on the bed and wouldn't get off.  I can't do anything that will sidetrack Alex or my life becomes hell for it, so I left the bed for making after I got back.  Then I learned at the last minute that Alex will not eat cream cheese or the cheese slices that are planned for lunch, so I had to quickly toast a bagel.  My mind was filled with dread that he wouldn't eat that bagel either, because it had grown cold.  But neither will Alex help me out by telling me what he WILL eat.  Alex has really, really, REALLY bad days at school when he refuses to eat lunch.  This was about all I could take. 

I blasted him. Ranting and raving as I do.  I called him everything in the book.  I told him that he enjoys making me cry everyday and that he must WANT to mess up all the time.  This went on for 20 minutes - all the way on the walk to school.  Between the rain, the anxiety over the doctor's appointment, the rage over Dan's messing up again and Alex's refusal to eat yet another food, it was all I could take.

Maybe anxiety is my problem.  I feel stuck and I can't get past all of the hurts of yesterday.

I also have to work out a plan to get around the big chunk of today in which I'll be out.  Here goes

1) Meditation: AM done; PM to come
2) Clutter Clearance: Likely still the bedroom
3) Creative Work: Photo wall continuing
4) Gym; a strength training day
5) Math study; on the way to the doctor's office and back.

I have to get a 10:11 bus for the doctor's office.  I'll prep for that right now.

Update 2:30 PM:  I just got back from the doctor's office plus errands.  It's still pouring out. I read a little trig, but still need to do at least 15 minutes more.  I did about 15 minutes worth of creative work too.  After that, I still have nearly everything to do. 

About the explosion this AM; doc thinks I may have depression.  Offered to write an Rx for an antidepressant.  I'm not sure I want one.  They take so long to work too.  It would be hard to determine if it was the drug that worked or a mere change of circumstances since the 100 day challenge will be over at the same time.    I bought dietary supplements instead.   Cal-Mag-Zinc to start.  Will be researching diet aids too.

Tribulus is out for now.  Too much risk of it become estrogen in my body.  Next week, I'll have my gyno order a test for testosterone, progesterone and estrogen in my blood. 

Right now going to enjoy a coffee and some quiet before I have to go get Alex at school. 

Update 6:10 PM  - Today was a rough, rough day.  Alex's behavioral chart had another yellow star. He failed to get any stickers again.  This stresses me the hell out and I took it out on Alex again. I screamed. I ranted.  I just lost control again.   I realized that I wasn't going to be able to get much done today, so that stressed me out too. 

We WERE able to get a list together of all of the things he believes he will eat.  So there's that. And he tried a cold drumstick, which he didn't finish.  There goes that idea.  He needs proteins at lunch and I can't give him nuts.  There are few other sources of protein that he'll eat cold. 

I also just did a few minutes of clearing the closet shelf.  I know I said I would do at least an hour of clutter clearance, but there's no way I can do it today.  I got one shelf done and I should be happy with that.  I can't go to the gym until Dan gets home so he can stay with Alex.  Alex will also need a shower tonight. 

I can still squeeze in creative work and math study while waiting for Dan to get home.  I'll try both now.

Update 7:20: Dan is home.  I think I'll just do more creative work right now and see how I feel later on. The gym is open until 10 PM. 

Update 10:59  Meh.  I spent a half hour selecting photos and I just lost half of them. I didn't go to the gym nor workout.  I just can't do it tonight.  No mental energy.

Good night all.  Today gets a 3.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Day Three: The One in which I Establish a New Normal

Today is the first day of my challenge and my normal weekday routine, which consists of bringing Alex to school in the mornings and picking him up in the afternoons. The mornings aren't typically stressful, but the afternoons are very stressful because of Alex's homework.  Once I pick him up, I don't have much time to myself because after homework and studying [his], I have to start dinner and monitor some other exercises that Alex has to do.

I'll be quick about setting my agenda then.

1) Meditation: AM done; PM to come
2) Clutter clearance: The shelf in the closet, under bed drawers
3) Creative Work: Continue work on photo wall; check notes
4) Gym; no later than 1 PM
5) Math study; continue trig. Radians (along with text)

I surprised myself the past two days.  Let's keep this rolling.

Update 10:00: Oops.  Got sidetracked again.  Must have been because of my bad morning.  I slept in for about 10-12 minutes.   On Mondays, I have to make a lunch for Alex.  That means I can't keep on top of him in getting dressed.  Unfortunately, neither did Dan.  Each time I checked in on Alex, he hadn't finished his breakfast or put his clothes on or his socks, etc. 

It put me in a minor tailspin. Not being able to count on Dan in this way is just so stressful.  It had me daydreaming of another life again.  And now it's 10 AM.  I'll be making breakfast and then getting to
my clutter clearance.

Update 12:15 PM:  Taking a break after having done 30 minutes of clutter clearance (dresser surface) and 30 minutes of creative work (photo selections).  This is over a nice cold glass of water.  Yay me.

Update 1:05  Break after 30 more minutes of dresser stuff sorting.  Off to the gym when timer goes off.

Update 2:40 Back from gym. Half hour of interval jogging (max speed 5.3 MPH)  and a 60 second plank.  Some ice water before getting Alex from school.  Still have math study to do.

Update 5:40 Cooking dinner.  Did Alex's homework and study with him.  Still have my own math study to do.

Update 9:32  I tried to study Trig. I got through an 8 minute video on special triangles and about 5 minutes more of another when I fell asleep.  I'll try for an additional 15 minutes before I go to bed. But it's been a very busy day so far. I researched the hell out of supplements and found out that I should try zinc and magnesium supplements.  I also have to be in peak form for tomorrow. No coffee in the AM.    I got a meditation session in though.

Overall, I think I'm doing well. I don't consider the half math a significant slide. I did a LOT of things with purpose today.  Kicked butt on picking up stuff, dish washing, laundry and vacuuming.  Although, I realized that I have to bring those in too.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day Two: The One In Which I Inch Towards Progress

Last night at the gym was a little brutal.  The mirrors were everywhere and I was able to see that I'm nowhere near as thin as I was thinking I was.  I was definitely the biggest woman on the treadmills.  It was a little mind punch, but I know that I won't get thin again if I don't keep at it.    It was surprisingly easy to jog the stretches I needed to jog.  I was using an app that helps to train for a 5K.  The app is from Zen Labs and it's a C25K app for iPhones.

Zen Labs: Couch to 5 K

I decided that I'd just use some mind tricks to stop it from putting me off my game.  I'll be going back to the gym today and merely using another treadmill; one that isn't so close to any mirrors. LOL.

But enough of this navel gazing.  I'm running behind because I spent so much time updating on my progress from yesterday.  I can't be spending hours each morning bothering with updates.  I won't have much to update if I keep that up.

So, for today, Day 2, I'll be posting only my plan and, in yellow letters, how I did.

It's currently noon.  I can't step out yet because I'm expecting my grocery delivery. I'll have to do my other activities first. I've already made Alex's bed and washed the dishes.  I have to make my bed (now that Dan is up) and start on my drawer clearing.

1) Meditation - AM Done, PM at close of day  - DONE! Even journaled about it in the app. A post about enthusiasm.  So, I studied some trigonometry with enthusiasm.
2) Clutter Clearance - drawers in bedroom, some drawers in bathroom, maybe junk drawer in kitchen - Conquered the chest of drawers in my bedroom. 
The shelf side of my dresser. There are three drawers as well.

3) Creative Work - select photos and art for photo wall, already took a photo for the map. DONE! Went at this for more than half an hour.  Started a plan to renew the photo wall.

4) Math work - Trigonometry with That Tutor Guy and Trigonometry for Dummies
   DONE! SohCahToa covered plus broke out the old Precalc book.

5) Gym - After putting groceries away - DONE! Half an hour of interval jogging and a 90 second plank. Woot!

I'd rate this day an 8.  I'm getting better at organizing my time.

And you know what? I feel a lot better about my days too.

Day One: The Most Important Day

I was excited to start the day.  After waking, I immediately went into my usual morning routine of making the beds.  That was when I noticed something very important; what it takes to derail me.  By now, it isn't much.

Alex had a rough time of it the night before.  He'd been up all night coughing and my husband Dan was doing what he could. Apparently some cough syrup had passed between them.  While I was making Alex's bed, I came across a spill of cough syrup.  I had to stop what I was doing to go get paper towels to clean it up.  That was all it took to drive me into despair.  My son had apparently spilled the cough syrup at some point the night before and my husband didn't clean it up for some reason.  Here I was cleaning up another mess, just like I do dozens of times a day.

My husband and my son both have ADHD. Caring for a home with an ADHD adult in it can be maddening.  The spill was another reminder of the extra work I have to take on because my husband gets distracted from doing it.  My mind was racing with the memories of a thousand wrongs he'd made me suffer because of his once untreated ADHD.  I poured over all of the times me let me down and then made me feel responsible for it. All of it was on my mind all while I was making Alex's bed.

So that's where my time goes.  Self pity leads to distractions; distraction from the pain of being constantly saddled with the responsibility of someone else's disorder.   This time, I was determined to not get lost in the internet. I was determined to plug on, even if it was just in basic housework.  I sorted. I collected. I put items back where they belong.  I folded laundry. I did laundry.  I ordered the week's groceries. It would be 2 PM before I realized that I'd done only one of the activities I needed to do; meditation.

I made a commitment to this. I am GOING to do it.  Therefore, at 2 PM, I started.  I had planned to spend 15 minutes per room, or 1.5 hours per day.  I started with a big project; my bedroom closet. I asked my husband to fold some whites that I had on the bed while I did it. He finished long before I did, but within 2 hours, I did it.  (Taking a break at the hour point.)
DONE! The bar and floor. (Still have the shelf left)

I was BRUTAL.  Or, really just very harsh.  A little mean, maybe. Whatever. There's a lot less in there than when I started.

It was then time for the math work.  Turns out the course I enrolled on Coursera was NOT a Calc I course, even though it was entitled the Calculus of Single Variable.  I listened to the first lecture and followed everything, but I couldn't do the homework.  So, I enrolled in a different Calc I course entitled "Calculus One".  Then I took to for a review of trigonometry.

That Tutor Guy - Mathematics

It's now past 4:30.  I still have to make dinner, do a creative project and get to the gym.  The gym closes at 7 PM.  It was raining cats and dogs. There were other obstacles such as feeling pretty yucky.  I persevered.  After all, if I fail on my first day, that's a pretty epic fail.

I arrived at the gym at 6 PM.  I finished at 6:45.  I dashed back home to make dinner; Teriyaki Salmon with white rice, steamed broccoli and eggplant slices.   Alex was too sick to eat.  By the time I cleaned up from dinner and showered from the gym, it was already past Alex's bedtime.  (No worries about that, though. He was running a fever and had been sleepy anyway.)

It's now nearly 9 PM.  I'm exhausted. I realize that there's not much creative energy in me left.  Fearing that may happen, I had filled out a new journal page from Christine Zimmer of Grace is Overrated.

Grace is Overrated

Among other cool printables, Christine has shared an awesome collection of journal pages; Just about 50 in all plus a holiday and birthday page.  I downloaded them years ago and haven't yet completed a set. Since I need do only one a week, perhaps this will be the year I complete them. I filled it out over dinner.  I also did some thinking about redoing my photo wall.  I've decided that I will replace the photos with Alex's art, different photos of our usual activities/adventures and perhaps even decorate the frames.  I believe that I may start on this tomorrow.

The awareness assignment from Cheri Huber was to take some moments of quiet for oneself.  I suppose I did that frequently during the day.  I took moments away when I needed a break.  I took moments coming back from the gym.  I took moments pampering myself after the shower.  I took moments after Alex had gone to bed.

So the tally looks like this

1) Meditation: AM - Done; PM - a few minutes contemplating the lesson.
2) Clutter Clearance - Done in SPADES.  I kicked this one's boo-tay today.
3) Gym attendance - I did it!! 30 minutes of interval jogging.
4) Math study - At least 30 minutes, even if I had to restart elsewhere.
5) Creative Work - Not 30 minutes, but a journal page filled out and a plan formulated.

I rate the day a 6.

On mental effort, however, I rate it a 10.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

100 Days From Now...


My name is Lynne.  I'm currently a stay-at-home-mother to a wonderfully creative, kind, passionate, happy 6 year-old-boy.  I'm...older than I'd like to be.  I had Alex late in life.  It's been an awesome journey, but Alex will be 7 soon.  He's becoming more independent every day.  Meanwhile, I'm not sure what to do with all the free time I have these days.  I've never been unemployed for this long.  I've never been unsure of what my next step should be.

I saw an inspiring video on Facebook the other day.  On a website with the URL, a young woman named Lakeisha Shurn posted a video dairy of her gym attendance.  Lakeisha had begun a weight loss journey the year before she started her video blog.  She started at 348 pounds.  She'd lost over 30 pounds when she decided to add a new step of going to the gym.  Over the next 100 days, she lost an additional 18 pounds, but she gained so much more than that. She generously described her real battle; the one for self-love.

You can see her story here: Lakeisha Shurn's 100 Day Gym Challenge

I found Lakeisha's story and kindness SO inspiring that I spent the next two days working out a 100 day challenge for myself.  I was able to come up with five separate activities I would like to engage every day for the next 100 days; starting today, January 11, 2014, to April 20, 2014.

1) Stuff Purge:  I have lots and lots of stuff. Extra stuff. Stuff I don't use. Stuff I've held onto solely because it's in good condition and I "may" use it someday.   It all has to go.  I spend a gross amount of time every day moving this stuff, controlling this stuff and trying to find a place for this stuff.  I read a great quote on this. It was about having to get rid of your old life to make room for the new one.  I'm ready to let go.

Every day for the next 100 days, I will spend at least 1 hour of my day, sorting through and purging stuff.

2) Study for the GREs:  I took the GREs for the first time way back when God was in High School.  I was applying to an MA program in Public Communications, so I didn't worry much about my math score.  It wasn't good.  I went to the program but life wound up taking me down a winding path to my career goal.  Along the way, I became interested in economics. Joke's on me, huh? That 560 in the math section I got wasn't going to cut it for a grad program in economics.  (Not that any score from the late 80s would be valid anyway.)  When Alex was 4 months old, I began taking math courses, first online and then in person.  I'm at the point at which it's time to take the GREs again. I'm aiming for a 770 or higher on the math section this time. 

Every day for the next 100 days, I will spend 30-60 minutes studying mathematics.

3) Meditate: During a particularly tense year, I started to do a ritual of deep breathing in a sunny spot in the backyard. After only about a week or two, I could feel the positive change of calm that it brought.  I want that back.   There can't be any sitting in the backyard right now, but each AM, I will start my day with 10 deep breaths.  Each evening, I'll close my day the same way, after attempting some awareness work.

My guide for the awareness work is a Buddhist inspired app I've been using for a while entitled "Transform Your Life" by Cheri Huber.  It delivers a daily awareness challenge.

This is Cheri's webpage: Cheri Huber

Everyday for the next 100 days, I will meditate at least once a day, preferably twice a day.

4) Do Something Creative Daily:  My bookshelves are crammed with intentions.  I used to keep scrapbooks on Alex.  When he started school, which freed me up to take classes in person, I fell miserably behind.  I also have a ton of craft projects to complete, stories to write, home improvements to make, photos to edit; many, many creative pursuits that just aren't coming to fruition.

Not only would getting to them clear so much off my shelves, it would have the double effect of restoring me to myself.  When I'm creating something, I don't feel so lost and insignificant.  I feel as if I've made something that will say "I was here" to the future, even if it's just future generations of my own family.

Every day for the next 100 days, I will dedicate at least 30 minutes to a creative pursuit.

5) Go to the Gym Daily:  This one is my real challenge.  I already do interval jogging 4 times a week. I've been doing that since May and I really enjoy it, especially when I started taking it out of the park and onto the roads around my town.  I really loved setting and meeting goals on speed and duration.  I loved what it was doing for my mood and that it was decreasing my stress.  Then the ice and snow came and it had to stop.  I was going to have to join a gym for the winter if I wanted to continue.  Except, I HATE going to the gym.

I used to love going to the gym.  Then Alex came and I needed babysitting in order to enjoy it as I once did.   Throughout the first six years of his life, I tried three different gyms, some of them even twice - spaced years apart. All three proved horribly unreliable in their babysitting services each time I tried them.  Going to the gym became associated with a ton of stress.    I used to love doing yoga, but none of the gyms ever offered yoga at the same time babysitting was available.  I tried it at home, but it was impossible with a child here, especially one that has ADHD as my son does. However, I know I need to return to jogging and I need strength training.  Going to the gym will be the only way I'll be able to do both. 

I once read that the best way to form a gym habit is to resolve to go every day.  That way you'll see it just like you see any daily habit and, should you miss a day, it's no big deal.  You just go tomorrow.  Now that Alex is in school, I know that the gym can become an enjoyable place for me again.  I just need to get there.  If I resolve to go everyday, I know I can transform the experience for myself.

Every day for the next 100 days, I will go to the gym for a workout. 

That's my challenge. I will undertake those five activities every day It seems like a lot, until you recall that I can't get an outside job yet.  I still have several hours to myself each day.  I spend most of them doing some form of housework in a scattershot manner.  Maybe this challenge will lead me out of that rut and into a better quality of life.