Monday, January 13, 2014

Day Three: The One in which I Establish a New Normal

Today is the first day of my challenge and my normal weekday routine, which consists of bringing Alex to school in the mornings and picking him up in the afternoons. The mornings aren't typically stressful, but the afternoons are very stressful because of Alex's homework.  Once I pick him up, I don't have much time to myself because after homework and studying [his], I have to start dinner and monitor some other exercises that Alex has to do.

I'll be quick about setting my agenda then.

1) Meditation: AM done; PM to come
2) Clutter clearance: The shelf in the closet, under bed drawers
3) Creative Work: Continue work on photo wall; check notes
4) Gym; no later than 1 PM
5) Math study; continue trig. Radians (along with text)

I surprised myself the past two days.  Let's keep this rolling.

Update 10:00: Oops.  Got sidetracked again.  Must have been because of my bad morning.  I slept in for about 10-12 minutes.   On Mondays, I have to make a lunch for Alex.  That means I can't keep on top of him in getting dressed.  Unfortunately, neither did Dan.  Each time I checked in on Alex, he hadn't finished his breakfast or put his clothes on or his socks, etc. 

It put me in a minor tailspin. Not being able to count on Dan in this way is just so stressful.  It had me daydreaming of another life again.  And now it's 10 AM.  I'll be making breakfast and then getting to
my clutter clearance.

Update 12:15 PM:  Taking a break after having done 30 minutes of clutter clearance (dresser surface) and 30 minutes of creative work (photo selections).  This is over a nice cold glass of water.  Yay me.

Update 1:05  Break after 30 more minutes of dresser stuff sorting.  Off to the gym when timer goes off.

Update 2:40 Back from gym. Half hour of interval jogging (max speed 5.3 MPH)  and a 60 second plank.  Some ice water before getting Alex from school.  Still have math study to do.

Update 5:40 Cooking dinner.  Did Alex's homework and study with him.  Still have my own math study to do.

Update 9:32  I tried to study Trig. I got through an 8 minute video on special triangles and about 5 minutes more of another when I fell asleep.  I'll try for an additional 15 minutes before I go to bed. But it's been a very busy day so far. I researched the hell out of supplements and found out that I should try zinc and magnesium supplements.  I also have to be in peak form for tomorrow. No coffee in the AM.    I got a meditation session in though.

Overall, I think I'm doing well. I don't consider the half math a significant slide. I did a LOT of things with purpose today.  Kicked butt on picking up stuff, dish washing, laundry and vacuuming.  Although, I realized that I have to bring those in too.

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