Saturday, January 18, 2014

The First One in Which I Take Stock

I would call my first week a relative success with lots of room for improvement.  I managed to stay disciplined every day for at least 3 out of 5 activities.  The days on which I did not do all five were 2 out of 7. 

This was the tally for the week:

Meditation:  - So far out of 7 days, I did this to goal for all 7.  I missed a PM meditation on Thursday. 

Gym: - So far out of 7 days, I did this to goal for 6.  I missed going on Tuesday, the day of my doctor's appointment.  However, I did walk home from the doctor's office. (Distance of about 2 miles.)

Clutter Clearance - Did really well on this one for the first 6 days.  Then, it seems, I ran out of ideas because I managed to finish the bedroom.  Day 6 involved clearing space in the basement.  I missed it on Day Seven.  Going to the gym early in the day and then art class after school took the wind out of me.

Creative Work - Did this one every day, but to goal (30 min minimum) only 5 days.  The first day was due to being without a plan.  The second was because I was just too blown out from the week.

Math Study - This one was the real loser.  I just can't get my butt in gear for this one.  I did work on it 5 out of 7 days, but to goal only 3 days.   Need to find the right time of day for this.

Some other observations:

I've been sleeping much better lately.  It might be the magnesium I've been taking. It might be the daily exercise.  It might be the high productivity during the day.  I'm feeling much better about myself, even my appearance.  According to this AM's weigh-in, I've dropped below 144. 

I've learned that it's a must to take a break every half hour for mental rejuvenation.  I've also learned that music is still a very important part of my life.  Playlists are musts.  Background music is a must.

I look forward to going to the gym, even in the rain.  I like walking there and back.   I really like the Creative Work I'm doing.  I wish I could like the math study, but I'm just happy that I'm making connections I never made before.  (Thank you, Dummies series!)   I wish I could feel better about the clutter clearance, but it's slow going.   The basement really is out of room. 

Some things to try:
- Meditation as soon as I wake up
- Math study in the AM
 - Gym as soon as I'm allowed in/shower there
     - This leads to make up, dressing and hair-styling during the day
- Creative work after dinner

When to do clutter clearance?  Not sure.  Broken up during the day? In 15 minute bytes?  I'll try it at different times.

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