Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day Nine - The One In Which I Actually Get to Yoga Class

I was determined to make it.  I knew that it was only a matter of getting to the first handful of classes before I fell in love with yoga again.   I knew I would eventually look forward to my time at the gym, considering it "Me Time".  It's going to take a few times for me to love this yoga class. It was horribly crowded.  And it was Hatha, which was harder for me because I'm used to holding poses for a shorter period of time in Vinyasa.  But I got to the 10 AM class.

Then I did some interval jogging on the treadmill. 

I came home and did Creative Work for about 30-40 minutes.  Then I showered and picked up the bathroom a bit while I did.  My clutter clearance for the day was actually on my digital devices.  My iPhone and iPad both needed some cleaning up.  Meditation occurred at the gym after my plank. (And during yoga class).

The one activity that didn't get done AGAIN? Math study. That's the third or fourth day in a row that it didn't happen.

I'm far too distracted to sit down and clear a space for study.  I must make it a priority to do so tomorrow.

Plus, it doesn't help that Dan and Alex are both home.  Lots of noise and lots of excuses to give myself to not get to what I have to do. 

But I have a new playlist (thanks to Dan reclearing my iPhone and restocking it). And I really was a lower weight again. It looks like 145-46 is now my new upper limit.   In about two weeks, I should be no longer officially overweight.  I'm looking forward to that.

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