Monday, January 20, 2014

Day Ten - The One in Which I Get Real With Myself

Face it, Lynne. You REALLY hate doing math study.  You'll find any reason to skip it.  Going to the gym now has its perks.  Clearing clutter is something you do because you have so much experience in how much better that feels.  Meditation always improves your mood.  Creative work was missing from your life desperately.

But math? Math has been a burden for years.  You've done well so far, but it's not sexy enough for you.  You're too excited about getting into a real Economics class. 

You need to get real about math class.  You need the discipline you used to get your ass to the gym for the first few days.

Today, you WILL clear a space for study.  And you WILL take on physical clutter clearance, which always makes you feel more determined in your goals.

Creative work will be a continuance of photo selection.
Meditation needs to happen now.
And the gym will come later today.  Just jogging/interval work today.

Go, go, go!!

Update 12:25: - Creative work done. Meditation done. Maybe I'll take on clearing some space and doing laundry.  Those things are suffering in this effort.

2:00 Duly noted - I should do work as soon as I eat, because having to cut down food has left me feeling a bit hungry a lot and it's hard to concentrate under those conditions.

Update 3:34: Space cleared! Dining room table is now free of clutter (for now). I couldn't find a place for everything I removed from it, especially the frames that have been coming down from the photo wall.  But I'll work at it through the week.  What's important is that I've made a space for math study.

Update 4:33  Haven't started math study yet.  It wasn't ONLY the space issue, ya know. But I did get some more clutter cleared and I washed the dishes.  Took a break too.  Now, for some ice water.

6:00 - Finally got around to 30 minutes of study.  Dinner time is now.  Very distracted by hunger.

8:00 - Just back from the gym.  No plank today, but jog/walk for 35 mins.

I rate today an 8.  I didn't make up the time I needed for math study, but I did get 30 minutes of it done. Therefore, I hit all five activities today.  Yay for me.

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